Internal Combustion Engines

Lecture, BUITEMS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2021

MECH-421 - 2 Credit Hours - Spring 2021

Welcome to IC Engine class! The course material and lectures will be posted on this site and students will be notified accordingly.


Course Outline/Syllabus


Formula Sheet

Presentation groups - Presentation topics

Quiz 1 - MATLAB Code


Reference Book: “Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine” by Willard W. Pulkrabek, Second Edition

DateLecture No. (Download Link)Topic
28/06/2021Lecture 1Introduction
05/07/2021Lecture 2Operating Characteristics
12/07/2021Lecture 3Problems (Operating Characteristics)
19/07/2021 No Class - Eid Ul Adha 2021
26/07/2021PEC Visit - Class to be rescheduled!Scheduled on 20/08/2021
02/08/2021Lecture 4Engine Cycles
09/08/2021Lecture 5Problems (Engine Cycles)
16/08/2021Lecture 6Engine Fuels and Knocking
20/08/2021Lecture 7Quiz 1 + Mid Exam Review
23/08/2021No ClassMid Exams
30/08/2021No ClassMid Exams
06/09/2021Lecture 8Air and Fuel Induction
13/09/2021Lecture 9Air and Fuel Induction (Problems)
20/09/2021Lecture 10Student Presentations
27/09/2021Lecture 11Fluid Motion - Exhaust Flow
04/10/2021Lecture 12Heat Transfer in Engines
11/10/2021 & 18/10/2021Lecture 13Engine Emissions and Pollution


Homework 1 - Due at class time (16/08/2021)

Homework 2 (Complex Engineering Problem #1) - Due at class time (04/10/2021)

Homework 3 - Due at class time (11/10/2021)